“The Alchemist” is an original composed by Brazilian creator Paulo Coelho. It was first distributed in 1988 and has since become a smash hit, converted into over 80 dialects.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho recounts the narrative of Santiago, a shepherd kid from Andalusia, who fantasies about finding a fortune concealed in the Egyptian pyramids. On his excursion, he meets various characters who train him significant life examples and assist him with figuring out the significance of following his own legend, or his own special way throughout everyday life.
All through the novel, Coelho winds in subjects of fate, self-awareness, and the force of the universe to direct us towards our actual reason. The story is likewise imbued with imagery, for example, the chemist who helps Santiago to transform lead into gold, addressing changing oneself through private change.
“The Chemist” has been commended for its motivational message and philosophical topics, and has turned into a darling exemplary for perusers looking for profound direction and individual change.